An Awakening
When Jen Arron started coaching with me, she was in a space of conflict. Recently 40 and surfacing from the challenges of motherhood, she also wanted to completely transition from her career in photography to a profession as a fiber-based artist. But she was afraid to surrender to this new identity as a weaver, because she feared she could be overtaken by the grind of turning it into a business, and risk losing her love for the art of it.
Jen was highly resistant at first to the work in the program – she wanted the results but didn’t want to do the actionable work to get there. She was pre-exhausted by the idea that she somehow had to become a whole different person.
What happened to Jen I can only describe as an awakening. Through the work she learned to surrender, shift her attitude and dig in to get to know herself on a very deep level. A series of tectonic shifts within allowed her to become the person she had envisioned – a successful, busy fibre artist with a wait list of collectors for her art. The mindset and self awareness skills she learned also helped her be the most authentic and true version of herself during the most difficult moment of her life, the loss of her Dad…
One-on-one with Jen
Why did you decide to join the CF Coaching program? What was going on in your life at the time?
I decided to join the CF Coaching program in February 2018. At that time, I was smack in the middle of a pretty major career shift from professional photographer to full-time studio based fibre artist. There was a general theme of reactivity in my life - feeling like I was a feather being blown by the wind. I was the mother of a toddler. I was sensing glimpses of my independence coming back but without a sense of control or design about my life. I was stuck in a ton of fear around who I was, where I was heading, and how I’d ever get there.
Can you describe the impact of the program and what you learned from it?
The impact of this program is monumental and has transformed every aspect of my life - in my career, as a mother, in my marriage. Hands down though, the largest impact has been at the core of it all - I am totally connected to myself in such an aligned and loving way now. Through the growth of my own awareness, I can see that it always boils down to how I am treating & caring for myself. I am impacting everything that happens for me - this I am sure of. It’s a direct result of my commitment to the study of this work while receiving such genuine support from Catherine.
What was your number one takeaway?
I am fully responsible for myself in this one life. I am responsible for my impact, my desires, my energy, and my open heart. All of the answers are already inside me - with CF Coaching, I now have the tools to let these answers emerge. I have learned to trust myself in a profound way.
Was there ever a moment where you thought “This is IT! This is why I’m taking this program!” An a-ha, or a eureka moment?
I have a-ha’s about this program on a daily basis. I had one just this morning when I received the rough cut for a short documentary that was made about my large scale art installation at The Gladstone House hotel. Watching the film, I was tearing up because I now embody the habits and thoughts of the kind of artist (and woman) I’ve spent much of my life only dreaming I could be. The learning and forward momentum doesn’t stop - it’s constantly evolving which is why the eureka moments keep coming and coming. I am here for it!
Any thoughts or advice for someone who might consider doing Catherine’s coaching programs?
There isn’t one hesitation I’d have in recommending Catherine’s coaching programs to any woman who is wanting more from her life. Literally, it’s all here for the making, once you decide to do it. I used to believe I was “the exception to the rule” - thinking ‘that kind of program only works for other people. My situation is different. There’s no way it could work for me”.
The truth is this: CF Coaching has changed my life in all the best ways because it pushed me to get out of my own way and ‘get started already’! I have never looked back.
Living the Work:
“I used to focus on what was wrong with my life. Now I’m able to experience the life that I’ve always wanted… and I’m just getting started!”
–Jen Arron