CF Coaching Programs
& Unlimited
OK, let’s be real. There are a LOT of options out there now for coaching and personal development programs. But so many of them don’t stick. So why is CF Coaching any different?
My programs are designed specifically to break through your limiting beliefs on the unconscious level, reimagining what is possible, so that you start thinking and feeling differently. Which then affects your behaviours and actions. Which in turn can RADICALLY change the results you get in your life. This is Mindset work, and it’s a practice. There are tools and skills you will develop. It requires study and dedication.
But my lens on this work is to help you TRANSFORM. Into what? That depends entirely on you. You may not even know yet what it is that you desire. But we will get you there.
In my programs I have seen:
Women with goals of financial confidence triple their income in less than a year (yes, you read that right)…
I’ve seen women make the leap into entrepreneurship OR to redefine their idea of what success even is…
I’ve seen women reinvent their marriages and find new meaning in their roles as parents.
And perhaps the greatest result of all is that I’ve seen countless women embrace a new, authentic self-image and relaunch themselves into the world with a sense of freedom and joy and self-worth that they never knew was possible.
It’s all possible.
If you are here because you are ready to invest in your future, and you’re willing to do the work, then I can show you how to do it.
CF Coaching Programs
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To be clear: my coaching programs are not about caterpillars turning into beautiful butterflies… my programs are about blowing the lid off your own expectations for what you ever thought might be possible in your life.
“I could write a book about Catherine’s unique qualities! She is a no-nonsense truth teller who delivers her lessons with a force of combined knowledge, compassion and humour that it is almost impossible to not feel the earth shift beneath you. I have never learned, in any format, more life-changing instruction from another person or program in my life. Period.”
“One of the things I love the most about Catherine is her ability to ask phenomenal questions and to really make me think deeply about the situations that come up in my life. She leaves me inspired to try new things, see it a new way, and most importantly believe in myself. She doesn't give up on me, and therefore I dont give up on myself.
Catherine’s knowledge, honesty, and energy truly have made a HUGE difference in my life.”
“As a coach, Catherine is so genuine, so committed, and so present. She actually sees her clients as their most realized selves. It’s so authentic, you almost have to do a double take. It’s an amazing feeling to have Catherine in your corner. She’s real about giving it to you straight. She’s always loving, but not soft. Her example of living this material and openly sharing it with her clients, is what makes her such a powerful coach and inspiring woman.”
Don’t be shy, I’m a champion question-asker myself! Click on over here to see some of the common questions I get asked.